DriverMax Pro is a driver updating software for Windows OS. It supports automated installs, scheduled scans, and full device driver backups. This software reduces system freezes and malfunctions, making for a better performance of your PC by serving you only with the latest updates.
One of the key features of DriverMax PRO is its ability to automatically scan and update drivers. This means that you don’t have to spend hours scouring the internet for the latest driver updates – the program will do it for you. This is a huge time-saver and ensures that your computer is always running with the most up-to-date drivers.
DriverMax PRO Discount Coupon Code
DriverMax PRO License Key Free
VPN Software Giveaway
- Product name: DriverMax 16 PRO
- Website:
- License type: 1-year
- Platform: Windows
- Download: drivermax.exe
- DriverMax Pro giveaway link: LINK-1 LINK-2
How to get the license key?
Go to the DriverMax giveaway page, enter your name and email -> click on the “Send” button.
Check your mailbox to confirm your subscription and wait for a few minutes for the DriverMax Pro license code free
Download and install this software on your computer, launch it, and register for the Pro version by the license code above.
The Registration Wizard will help you create a new Drivermax account (for keeping your license information), let’s enter your email and password
Now enjoy this driver updating for 1 year free.
DriverMax PRO main screenshot:
<1> if you get the DriverMax PRO license code as below, please try again by using VPN software! this is the wrong license due to your location that is not supported.
<2> While entering the license code for activation, you may get this error “invalid registration code”. Let’s check the license code again or use a VPN to fake the IP to Germany
<3> Get this notice when updating the driver “The license you activated…only for German residents” -> Let’s turn on the VPN to the Germany location during this task.
DriverMax PRO Features
- Check for driver updates and download them for you at any time
On the home screen, click the “Scan the driver updates now” button then you can see all outdated drivers on your computer. Just choose the drivers that you want to update and download them.
- Backup your system
You have three options: create a system restore point, create a driver backup archive, and create an offline scan file to make a backup point before updating the drivers.
- Restore your system
If you want to bring your Windows system to a previous state, this function can help you.
– Restore from a system restore point: it will perform a full system restore, including both drivers and system settings.
– Restore from a previously created backup: backup points contain previous versions of your drivers, select the driver(s) to restore.
– Restore using a driver rollback: Windows stores several versions of your drivers, and you can roll back to any version you need.
– Restore using a previously downloaded driver
- Increased PC productivity
- Latest version for more than 2,300,000 devices
- Maximum security for your updates
Technical Details
Language Support | English, Français, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and more… |
Money Back Guarantee | 30-Day |
Operating System | Windows |
Shipping | Full version license code will be sent to you within minutes |
Subscription | 1-Month, 1-Year, 2-Year |
Support Services | Tickets |
Multiple flags on this software and service, not really worth installing it for a 1 year license anyways, but the service that runs in background full time is flagged on Virustotal and I’m pretty sure it is a Chinese company, although they do try to conceal that fact. I’d recommend staying away from this one.
Can someone share the license key please. not able to get it using VPN
Virustotal dedect drivermax as virus why ????
It might be a false positive. You can verify this using Windows Defender or another antivirus program on your PC.
Don´t work at all. this is all fake ‘
i use vpn in germany but still ain´t working
Not working … I have used a VPN with a German IP address but it just doesn’t work on DriverMax giveaway webpage !