UpdateStar Premium Edition offers complete protection from PC vulnerability caused by outdated software – for optimized PC security. You receive security levels and alerts, minor and major upgrades, and downloads and you can perform exports of your individual software profile for backup reasons.
With UpdateStar Premium you make sure to always use the most up-to-date software, maximizing your everyday user experience. UpdateStar covers all of your freeware, shareware, demos, and commercial software, and includes special offers. Old Software can lead to problems and system crashes. It can even leave you vulnerable to attacks from outside. UpdateStar puts a stop to all that! As soon as a new version is available, UpdateStar lets you know automatically, and you can download the update straight away!
Top Software Updater Application Coupon Codes
UpdateStar Premium Edition Free Key
- Product name: UpdateStar Premium
- Website: https://client.updatestar.com
- License type: 1 year
- Platform: Windows
- Giveaway: UpdateStar Premium giveaway link
- Download: UpdateStar_ENU.msi
How to get the license key?
Open the giveaway page, and fill in the blanks with your name and email address to get the annual license code for UpdateStar Premium. Then check your mailbox for the license:
Download and install the software on your computer. Launch the program and use the above license code to activate it:
Got it for free!
UpdateStar Premium main screenshot!
Main Features
- Stay up-to-date and secure with your software
- Secure and verified downloads without advertising
- Protects against outdated software on your computer
- Enhance your “Add or Remove Programs” experience
- Personalize your updates
- Import complete software snapshots
- Export your software setup
- Security analysis and security levels
- Minor software upgrade and patch information
- Registry Cleaner
- 24×7 scheduling capabilities
Technical Details
Language Support | English, Français, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, German, Japanese, Chinese, and more… |
Money Back Guarantee | 30-Days |
Operating System | Windows |
Shipping | Keycode will be sent automatically within minutes after your purchase |
Subscription | 1-Year |
Support Services | Email, Phone |